The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang #WUVIP #Truth #authenticity

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Attempting to be perfect removes the focus from your authenticity. Perfection is a way to avoid understanding our own issues which need to be addressed and healed. It creates an illusion of ourselves, where our true beauty cannot shine. We then show this illusion to the world, and it hinders others\’ abilities to get to know our inner truth and our true self. Relationships created from the illusion of who we are pretending to be, have no depth and are become superficial. When we recognize our imperfections are what make us unique, we can accept them, allowing others to do the same. The imperfections are any mistakes or problems we have made or had in our experiences that we\’ve chosen, providing us lessons to bring us knowledge and wisdom. Revealing and sharing our imperfections shows others we are comfortable in our own skin and accept ourselves. It brings about understanding, compassion and intimacy, as we allow others to fully know us. It then lets others be themselves in all their glorious imperfections. Being in our imperfect authenticity is our true self. It is incorporating the wisdom from the lessons into our being and revealing that to the world, allowing the world to fully comprehend and absorb our inner beauty. This is how our true beauty blossoms.  




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