The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather Durling

quote of the day wednesday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather Durling

The Wellness Universe Quote of the day by Heather Durling 105

We’ve all heard something like this – when you honestly value yourself, and everything that makes you unique, others will too. As cliché as it sounds, it is pure truth. Embrace everything that you are, and give yourself the love you deserve. If there are parts of yourself that aren’t serving you, then work to change it. The opposite of negative is positive, and this relates to the negative characteristics of our personalities as well. If you want to be a more positive person, then allow yourself the time, resources, and education to learn how to see things in a better way. That’s all it takes – the willingness to see things differently.

This is where you start making a choice, both in your heart, and in your mind. You have to make the choice that you are done surviving, and you are ready to start thriving. Living. Being in the present moment with all of your senses, knowing you are okay. Completely at ease with yourself, and your surroundings. Learning how to let your guard down, allowing yourself to see your own value, and know your true worth. You can accomplish these things. Your healing journey gets so much easier, when you believe you are worth each step.

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