The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Conroy

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Jacqueine Conroy #WUVIP #power #enough

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Conroy

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Aloneness and loneliness are very different states of being. Put simply, loneliness is the need to be with or missing another while aloneness is the presence or enough-ness of yourself.

Some of you have a security of self that enables you to self-validate and know your worth regardless of the external and internal messages you are hearing. However, there are many who do not have this sense of safety and security and look for validation from others or the external world. You look for someone or something for your worthiness and to say you are enough. You feel shame and are deeply vulnerable – it is not easy for you to trust.

For myself, the transformation from the pain of aloneness to the power of aloneness was a harrowing, deeply felt transition. Seeking my validation from outside of myself was painful with feelings of emptiness, betrayal and loss. My self-criticism and fear came from a deep sense of shame and created a sense of separateness and loneliness. I was always seeking to soothe the painful emptiness and the fear with someone or something.

Knowing who I am, validating that I am and always was enough and that I am a unique and worthy being was to learn my ENOUGH-NESS. Self-compassion and accepting myself, warts and all, has healed the pain of separateness and filled the pit of emptiness.

Today I am not ashamed and I embrace my vulnerability.
Today I am able to give myself the security of felt-worthiness.
Today I trust myself and others.
Today I validate myself and live an authentic life with integrity.
Today I am empowered by aloneness – I am enough.
Today I step into the light of self-love.

Beautiful one, wrap yourself in a hug and say ‘I Love You’.
Shine in the light of self- love and your ENOUGH-NESS.


Visit and see more from Jacqueline at


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