The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jill Alman-Bernstein

quote of the day wednesday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jill Alman-Bernstein

and her expanded thought

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jill Alman-Bernstein 84

What would it mean to live love on a daily basis? What would it look like? If each day we can charge ourselves with living from a place of love, if we can exude a sincere warmth and concern for others, have tolerance and a compassionate outlook on the world, and treat ourselves and others with heartfelt tenderness. If we live from a place of love every moment of every day, we can become attuned to all the sweetness that exists in the world, and in our personal lives. We would see and sense the unconditional nature of care that one gives and receives in the name of love. There would be a pure and indisputable truth about our relationships to everything and everyone. Love. It begins with us and like a stone dropped in a pond, it ripples out and creates the most magnificent circle where we all intersect and connect. The ripple brings everyone and everything we come in contact with into that heart circle. Living love on a daily basis creates peace and contentment in our hearts and everyone’s we touch. It reminds us of who we are, that we need each other, and that we must open and surrender to the greatest love of all, self love, where it all begins, within our own hearts.

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