The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Kim Bayne

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Kim Bayne #WUVIP #TheWellnessUniverse #QuoteOfTheDay #QOTD #Beauty #Within #You

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Kim Bayne


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Kim and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


So many times we look in the mirror and don\’t like what we see…why is that? This is you, this is me, this is who we are. This is who we have been blessed to be.

The image we see of ourselves becomes filtered over time from watching TV, looking at magazines and seeing others who we perceive to be better than us.
Remove the filter for a moment and what do you see? Really look…look deep within your Soul. There is where you will find your true beauty…what resides within your Soul, that is you, not your eyes, your mouth, your nose or ears, not your boobs or your butt or your body size. Those are just simply physical aspects, that is not the real you.

Be proud of who you are, of what God has given you. Embrace your Soul, for it is there that Love exists, the Love for others and the Love of yourself.

Throw out the images they show on the TV, in magazines and what society says you should look like and bring sexy back in a new way…the beautifulness of your Soul, the true BEAUTY of being YOU and who you are on the inside.
This is where our true beauty lies anyway…our Soul, who we are and how we act and treat others.
Embrace the beauty of your Soul!


Visit and see more from Kim at




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