The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Robert Clancy

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Robert-Clancy-WU-134

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Robert Clancy

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Robert and find more inspiration on his page. Here is his expanded thought…


We often become frustrated by what we believe is a missed opportunity. Whenever something like that happens to me, I always view it as the Universe is helping me avoid an obstruction to an even greater opportunity that’s always been in the works for my soul.

A while ago, I was scheduled to be the keynote speaker at this wonderful event and it fell through. This was something I truly looked forward to and it would have created great connections for me. My schedule for that entire week was now clear. What was I to do? Get frustrated? Pine over this perceived loss?

The very week I received the cancellation notice, I was asked to be the keynote speaker at an even bigger event with nearly a thousand influential business leaders in attendance! Had I still been scheduled for the other event, I wouldn\’t have been able to take this new one on. Not only that, but I was seated next to one of the most influential business leaders in the room. After hearing me speak, I was invited to have personal tour of his business and lunch with him.

When in doubt, trust the Universe and look for those silver linings!

All love & Light!

Visit and see more from Robert at


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