The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Sheri Bessi

The Wellness Universe Quote of The Day  by Sheri Bessi 118

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Sheri Bessi

Today\’s Quote of the Day just makes you feel great! Read Sheri\’s expanded thought for uplifting inspiration and encouragement. Feel Better Now 🙂

Sheri\’s expanded thought …

Dear Human, 

I hope you know that there is no place in your mind where the light of your own spirit cannot shine. You have the ability to dispel all darkness at anytime.  


Because you are not your thoughts. You are the master of them.  

You are the one who says to the ego that it is malfunctioning. You are the gate keeper of your well-being. And if you find unwanted guests renting space inside your head, it is you, the owner of your person, who must ask the undesirable thoughts to leave.  

It\’s an extraordinary being that you are. Able to abide within a body and govern the course of its contribution to humanities society. 

Shine your light therefore, into the darkness that is taking space within. By doing so, you set your mind free. And this, dear human, enables the pure you to actually be. 



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