Thriving: Life Beyond Aging

Thriving: Life Beyond Aging by Linda McKenney #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #BeyondAging

Thriving: Life Beyond Aging

Today’s inspiring story comes to us from Linda McKenney, New York State – USA

I’ve overcome the fear of aging.

I’m seventy years old and in my fourth quarter of life. Anyone who’s worked in the business world knows that the fourth quarter is the time to focus on ending strong. You look back over the past three quarters of the year and assess what went well. You discard ideas and goals that were counter-productive and create practices that will allow you to thrive. This applies to the business of aging as well.

Approaching this last quarter of my life, I knew it was time to review and assess.

As a Life Coach, I’d already adopted the concept of living a life of design.  This heightened as I began to become more aware of what I wanted my aging journey to look and feel like. As a result, I’m doing what I need to do to thrive and end strong.

Our fourth quarter of life requires good conditioning for the physical challenges that await. There are aspects of my health that are out of my control, and I will not waste time or energy on wishing that they were different. I focus on where I do have control. What I eat. How much I exercise. Nourishing my spirit.

This is also the time to prepare for my end of life, which may mean thinking about forgiveness, regret, and legacy.

I made the decision to be certified as a Conscious Aging Facilitator to aid others in their fourth quarters. Throughout my life, I’ve found that if I place myself in the role of teacher, I always expand my knowledge and gain practical insight.

The pressure of the fourth quarter can quickly become overwhelming.  Don’t experience it alone. Find a supportive group, friend or family member. We seldom do our best thinking or planning in isolation.

I am thriving in this phase of my life.

If you’re facing your fourth quarter, I offer this advice –  open your mind and heart to the unexpected and practice gratefulness. This could be your best quarter!

Are you living a Thriving Life Beyond Aging? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

– Linda McKenney

If you found Linda\’s story inspiring, please leave a comment for her below. Thank you.

Thriving: Life Beyond is a series of inspiring stories from everyday people who are thriving through a life challenge, adversity, illness or tragedy. These brave souls share their story with you to let you know thriving is possible.  Submit your story to be shared here on The Wellness Universe.

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