In Pursuit of L.I.F.E. Part 3. Late joining this series? Catch up on Part 1, or last week\’s Part 2!
Throughout my Real-Estate career, I have been given opportunities to speak in front of groups of people; both large and small.
Initially, the presentations were mostly real-estate oriented, but then the more spiritual aspect of me begged to be expressed and became more and more a part of the talks. It was never overt, but conveniently woven into how one can grow their real-estate business by more clearly aligning with the truth of who they are.
In the beginning, I was terrified but then began to enjoy and appreciate the opportunities I was being given. My fear was not based on what I was going to say, but on how I might be perceived by others. “Am I living up to the expectations placed on me by me of what I was sharing?” “Was I benefiting others in the way I wanted to benefit them?” “Was I effective in how I expressed what I was given to share?”
What I came to realize is that to speak from the heart, which is to speak from the truth as I know it, I must have the experience of what I am sharing. This resulted in life handing me every opportunity possible to experience what I felt I was being given to share with others. Many wonderful opportunities have come my way, as well as many challenging ones. Each one, however, was an opportunity to know myself more truthfully within the context of the experiences.
For example, I have experienced financial difficulty on more than one occasion. Even in recent years, I have been at the point financially where I had to take change out of a jar in which I deposited my daily pocket change to buy food for the week. Before you start feeling bad for me, or ask how I could allow myself to get to this point, I wasn’t destitute or anything close to that; because I did have a bi-weekly paycheck that was coming in. However, it demonstrates how close to the edge I was living with regards to my finances.
I hold an underlying belief, or better yet a knowing, that has been proven time and time again throughout my life.
That knowing is that I can generate money anytime I need it. By this, I mean that as low as my finances might go, I always found a way out, (legally and ethically), of my financial difficulties. It wasn’t always easy, but I always got myself back to a point of financial stability.
The question that always arose during these times was, “why do I keep putting myself through this experience?” It wasn’t a comfortable situation to go through and when I was in it, I couldn’t believe I had done it once again. And yet, there was something to the experience of pulling myself out of the situation that gave me satisfaction.
It was an opportunity to prove to myself that I could do it and therefore, a demonstration of my personal power. Furthermore, it allowed me to expand my understanding and experience of who I am and what I am capable of achieving; giving me the required experience to speak from the truth as I know it.
This experience, among others, caused me to look at how patterns were presenting in my life. I soon realized that when an experience became repetitious, it was an aspect of me that was looking for acknowledgment and understanding. I use the word understanding versus healing, because I believe we are whole but have in some way misunderstood an aspect of ourselves. Once this aspect is acknowledged and understood in truth, it no longer shows up as a pattern.
In my next post, I share an experience that illustrates why I do what I do. The why behind who we are and what we do is the motivating, compelling force that ushers us through life toward the realization of who we truly are.
Consider why you do what you do. Also, what do you want to do but haven’t given yourself permission to do? Why haven’t you given yourself permission?
– Jim
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Jim Phillips is a LIFE Strategist, speaker, and America’s Leading Authority on Living in Full Expression. In fact, he wrote the book on it. He has also been engaged in the business world for over 40 years during which he has been inspiring others to higher levels of achievement and understanding through strategy sessions, coaching, writing and more than 20 International Business Conference presentations. He currently resides in Ashburn, VA where he continues his writing, coaching and speaking. To learn more, visit his website.