A Conversation With: Catherine M Laub

Welcome to this installment of The Wellness Universe’s ‘A Conversation With …’ interview series! Each week, we will feature interviews from some of our amazing WU World Changers so you can learn about who they are as a person, their profession, mission, and their why!’

Welcome to A Conversation with Catherine M Laub –

Your Turquoise Angel Guide and the Owner of The Celestial Spoon, Inc.

The Wellness Universe directory is a resource and community filled with Change-Makers, we call WU World-Changers (Wellness Universe World-Changers). Today we want to introduce you to Catherine M Laub, Your Turquoise Angel Guide and the Owner of The Celestial Spoon, Inc.

  1. Hello Catherine, will you please tell us about yourself?

As a Mental Health Speaker, I share my journey with mental illness on my self-produced podcast, The Celestial Spoon. I talk to groups inspiring them to reach out for support if they require it. I interview people about their spirituality, inspirations, and business ventures. I really love to help others and share modalities to guide them towards feeling better. My positive outlook is an inspiration to everyone. I help people to understand they can live with illness and still have a happy life. As a psychic/medium, I bring many messages to people to decipher their life events.

  1. Catherine, what is it that inspires you?

I am inspired by the people I have helped while working with angels and doing psychic readings for them. It gives me confidence that I am doing the right work for God.

  1. Will you please tell us what you call yourself and explain what it is that you do?

I am Your Turquoise Angel Guide because my angels gave me a mission to help others using the color turquoise. In my campaign, Brighten Your Day with Turquoise, I share how turquoise is a calming color, uplifts us, and helps us think clearly. I am a psychic/medium, and I have guided many people with my readings which gave them many insights into their lives.

  1. How exactly does that help someone?

Turquoise has a healing force and when we wear this color or use it in our daily lives, we begin to feel better and uplifted. Due to my many mental illnesses, I have always been very depressed. Once I began wearing turquoise clothes, I felt stronger and not as “sick.” I also feel inspired and invigorated, and know I have protection from negativity by wearing turquoise. When people see me in turquoise they often reflect back to their own clothing and say, now I know why I like turquoise so much.

  1. Why are you so passionate about helping others overcome their struggles?

I love seeing how my own story inspires others to take action and realize they too can feel better! I have been there and want to help others avoid getting to the point of no return.

  1. Did any specific life experience prompt you to follow this path?

Yes, I attempted suicide in 2014. This was in answer to a prayer to God and my angels to help me feel better and stop taking some of my 22 medications. God answered this way so I can relate to others while inspiring them.

  1. How long have you been doing this?

Since 2011.

  1. Will you share a story of how you have made a difference in someone’s life?

My psychic abilities helped me tell a friend her husband had something going on in his chest. She followed through by bringing him to the right doctors. Ultimately, he needed a new aorta valve and the doctors told him if he didn’t go then he would have died. This gave me the confidence I needed to continue advancing my career by tying stress reduction with my psychic abilities. I was able to support my friend through her time of stress and keep her calm until the surgery was completed.

  1. What’s next on the horizon for you?

I will be speaking on more stages to get the message out to rid the stigma of mental illness. My podcast will continue and I am expanding to create an additional podcast just around Stress Resolution. I invite you to tune in and listen to The Celestial Spoon.

  1. Thank you so much for sharing today, Catherine! Do you have any final thoughts?

My message is that you are not alone and there is a support system waiting for you.

If you would like to connect with Catherine, please visit: https://www.thewellnessuniverse.com/world-changers/catherinemlaub

We have created a safe space to discuss this topic with 4 Wellness Universe Experts to help you stop sabotaging your success and joy, so you can confidently live the life of your dreams.

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