Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.
Breathe in and out deeply, let yourself go!
Feel protected and safe, as the angels will accompany you on your inner journey.
Begin the Meditation
Concentrate on the first female chakra which is situated in the area of the tailbone. For many women, it still stands for lack of freedom and clan pressure, for unsolved ties and family restrictions.
Connect with Archangel Uriel – the great angel of strength and power – and consciously replenish your root chakra with his energy. Feel how it starts to throb powerfully and enjoy this vibration and warmth.
Now send Uriel’s energy from your root chakra into the female collective field. Dedicate it to all the women who are suppressed and humiliated by their families, or excluded by society. Be aware that these energies can, together with mass consciousness, positively influence and rewrite the present information of the female field.
Remain in this energy
Connect with Archangel Chamuel – the great angel of love and self-love, and let his energy flow into your sacral chakra, about where your uterus is. It stands for injuries to female sexuality, a lack of self-love, suppressed creativity, and for discontent within the female body.
Feel how your sacral chakra starts to fill up with this pleasant energy. It pulsates warmly. Enjoy this experience.
Now send Chamuel’s energy from your sacral chakra into the female collective field. Dedicate it to all the women who have experienced sexual assault or attacks, who are treated like sex objects by men, or those who can neither accept themselves nor their bodies or their femininity. Be aware that this energy can positively influence and rewrite mass consciousness.
Remain in this energy.
Now, connect with Archangel Jophiel – the great angel of wisdom and joy – and let his energy flow into your navel chakra, the solar plexus. This is your energy center of power and powerlessness, self-determination, and self-empowerment.
Feel how your solar plexus starts to fill up with the healing energy of Jophiel. It warms you as if the sun was shining on your stomach. Enjoy this sensation.
Now send Jophiel’s energy from your solar plexus into the female collective field. Give it to all the women who are living in bondage with, or are at the mercy of other people, especially men. Women who have no say about their lives, or are not allowed to make any decisions on their own. Be aware that this energy can positively influence and, therefore, change the female morphogenetic field.
Remain in this energy.
Direct your attention to your fourth female chakra which is situated in the area of your heart. It is also called the ‘upper heart’, and is energetically closely connected with the uterus, the ‘lower heart’.
Connect with Archangel Raphael – the great angel of healing – and consciously charge your heart chakra with his energy. Feel his loving energy starting to flow into your heart and your chest.
Now send Raphael’s energy from your heart chakra into the collective female field. Dedicate it to all the women who have closed their hearts because they have been humiliated, injured, abused, degraded, or treated disgracefully. Be aware that this energy can positively influence and change the information in the female field.
Remain in this energy.
Next, turn your attention to your fifth female chakra, the throat chakra which is situated on the level of your larynx. It has saved all the blockages, connected with your unexpressed needs and emotions, but also your desire for harmony.
Connect with Archangel Michael – the great angel of protection – and send his energy into your throat chakra so that you can express all the things which feel like a lump in your throat, and free yourself from this craving for harmony. Feel his gentle and cleansing energy in the area of your throat.
Now feel Michael’s energy starting to flow from your throat chakra into the collective female field. Send it to all women who swallow the truth, unpleasant questions, but also wishes and needs, instead of expressing them. Be aware that Michael’s energy can positively change and transform the female field.
Remain in this energy.
Now connect with Archangel Zadkiel – the great angel of transformation – and direct his energy to your third eye between your eyebrows. This energy center stands for female intuition, the sixth sense, and high sensitivity.
Feel how the angel’s ray of energy surrounds your third eye, charging it more and more. Enjoy this experience.
Now send Zadkiel’s energy from your third eye into the female collective field. Radiate it onto all the women who have cut themselves off from their sensitive abilities; maybe from fear of not being taken seriously, being mocked, or punished. Be aware that Zadkiel’s energy positively and sustainably changes and heals the female morphogenetic field.
Remain in this energy.
Finally turn your attention to your seventh female chakra, the crown chakra which is situated on the highest point of your skullcap. It is supplied by the divine source and nourishes the female, divine parts within you.
Connect with Archangel Metatron – the king of the archangels – very consciously, and, with full awareness, charge your crown chakra with his energy. Feel how it starts to pulse powerfully and enjoy the vibration and a soft tingling.
Now send Metatron’s energy from your crown chakra out into the female collective field. Dedicate it to all the women who have disconnected themselves from the divine source, and therefore, from their divine-female knowledge; out of fear of being prosecuted, condemned, or punished because of their spiritual abilities.
Send this light energy together with its transforming and healing impulses, into the female field. Then it can positively influence and rewrite the mass consciousness.
Remain in this energy.
End the Meditation
Now, once again, connect with the Archangels and thank them for their company and support.
Connect again with all the women in the world, with your female soul mates.
Then, gradually return to the present, into the daily consciousness.
Feel your physical body, stretch with delight, and when it feels right, open your eyes again.
Connect with Ingrid Auer on The Wellness Universe and walk away feeling better!
All information, content, and material is for informational purposes only and is not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. The information supplied through or on this page, or by any representative or agent of The Wellness Universe, is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. Health-related information provided through this website is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat health problems or to prescribe any medical devices or other remedies. The Wellness Universe reserves the right to remove, edit, move or close any content item for any reason, including, but not limited to, comments that are in violation of the laws and regulations formed pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. None of the posts and articles on The Wellness Universe page may be reprinted without express written permission.

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SPIRITUAL HELP FOR SELF-HELP. With the loving energies of the angels and the Ascended Masters, Ingrid Auer enables spiritual open-minded people to reveal unknown possibilities for their personal and spiritual growth, to turn their life into an amazing experience.