In Pursuit of L.I.F.E. Part 5

In Pursuit of L.I.F.E. Part 5. Late joining this series? Catch up on Part 1!

The process of experiencing what was required for the writing of The Key to LIFE; living in full expression gave me a life perspective that is shared throughout the book.

However, it is important to note that it is only my perspective up to the writing of the book. Every moment of every day offers the opportunity to realize the truth, thereby creating a new perspective or understanding of life to that moment.

It is only when we realize our limitless potential as divine beings that we rise above the noise and chaos we see and experience around and within us. When we own our contribution to the noise and chaos and see life through the eyes of our true self, we understand how we have been complicit with what is happening around and within us. I use complicit not to imply we are complicit to what might be perceived as wrongdoing but complicit with wrong thinking regarding the truth.

As I have detailed in previous posts, I believe the “purpose of life” is “the progressive realization of the truth.” The book represents my understanding of my truth as I continue along this path of realization towards “the” truth, whatever that is.

Each of us is an incarnated soul on a journey to self-realization.

The realization of the truth of who we are, our divine self, which is done through the events and life happenings created specifically for that purpose. And we all need to accept that we are the perfect embodiment for the experience and expression that our soul has chosen for this particular souIjourn.

“We are each the perfect embodiment for the experience and expression of our life’s purpose, the realization of the truth of who we are.”

When we accept (realize) we are the perfect embodiment, the perfect physical vehicle for the experience and expression of our soul regardless of outward appearance. When we honor and respect that which desires to experience and express through and as us, we are living in full expression of our truth.

Living in full expression means to accept and allow the divine to experience and express through us and as us in whatever form of expression it desires.

I believe we at first have the experience of divine love, joy, truth, and compassion. We experience it through our feelings and emotions that come as a result of events in life that evoke those feelings and emotions. I believe events in life are created specifically for each of us to experience our self within the context of each life event.

We are then compelled to express divine love, joy, truth, and compassion. As a result of our experience of self divine love, joy, truth, and compassion we now begin to express this through our thoughts, beliefs, choices, and actions. Sometimes it is overt through verbalization, while other times it is simply who we are being in our interactions with life.

The final phase is we are the expression of divine love, joy, truth, and compassion. We have realized the truth of who we are and live from and as that truth.

The Key to LIFE; living in full expression provides a framework for moving through this process of realization.

It asks, and in some cases answers, some of the most thought-provoking, compelling questions we can ask ourselves. Who am I? Why am I here? What am I to do? How can I make a difference?

The question that is always left unanswered is, “what’s next?” We can decide what we want to be next. We can decide how we believe what’s next will show up, however, in doing so, we limit what “what’s next” can be. It is only when we release our attachment to the history of what has been and what we believe can be that we can realize and experience the full potential of who we are.

There are three truths I subscribe to that I believe can benefit anyone who subscribes to them, as well. You might question whether they are true, however, I suggest you question why you believe they are not true and reveal to yourself what is holding you back.

Truth 1: You can have anything and everything you desire from life.

Truth 2: You are capable of creating and experiencing everything you desire in life.

Truth 3: You are worthy of everything you desire in life.

As I conclude this series, I leave you with a few thoughts:

You are more powerful than you believe yourself to be. You are more powerful than you give yourself permission to be. Now is the time to give yourself permission and allow the full experience and expression of your true self to be the experience and expression you enjoy in this lifetime.

– Jim

A Dose of Inspiration via The Wellness Universe!

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