QOTD for May 29th by Zoë Escher

QOTD for May 29th by Zoë Escher #WUVIP #QOTD #TheWellnessUniverse

Enjoy The Wellness Universe QOTD for May 29th by Zoë Escher.
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Here is her expanded thought …

When I was younger, especially as a teenager, I was unsure of whom I was. Since I am adopted from Sri Lanka I began to ask questions such as – Who am I?, Who were my parents?, Do I look like my parents?, Do I have any other siblings in addition to my twin sister?, What time of day was I born?

I always wanted to have my horoscope laid so I could get an idea of what the future would bring.  My adoptive parents answered the questions as best they could and showed pictures from the orphanage where I lived from I was 1 week old to 6 months. In addition to that, I also wanted to fit in at school. I wanted to wear the same clothing brand like my classmates, which my parents thought was too expensive since I would quickly grow out of it. When I was about 14 years old, some of the girls in my class started to smoke cigarettes and within weeks, all the girls in the class were smoking.

At first, I hid it but my parents soon found out and wanted me to stop smoking which I did not do at the time. When I was in my early 20s, I chose to stop smoking and decided instead to only smoke at social events and since then I have stopped completely. But as the years have passed and I (41 years old) have gain more life experience, it is no longer about being accepted by the outside world before I can feel good enough. Today, it is an advantage that I stand out from the crowd and especially as an entrepreneur. People remember me.

When I accept, respect, take care and love myself for who I am, the easier it is to be the best version of me and the world reflects that right back.

Please Meet Zoë Escher

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