The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Sandy Evans Pullin

quote of the day monday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Sandy Evans Pullin

Thank you Sandy from Reiki Balance N Bliss, a member of The Wellness Universe for your featured quote of the day. See below for expanded thought and how to get more from Sandy.

SAndy Pullin WU 59

We tend put “out front” those things that we share in common with others and hide what we consider to be “different” or flawed about ourselves, when our quirks are actually what make us so beautifully individual. When we are real with other people, it gives them permission to be their authentic self, too!

Realizing that we are each an amazing one-time creation that has never occured before and won\’t ever be repeated again helps us to honor our individuality and revel in our own uniqueness! You are a rare and beautiful masterpiece. What you may consider a flaw, others may find intriguing and mysterious. Never underestimate the beauty of your originality…it\’s priceless!

Sandy Evans Pullin

Reiki Balance N Bliss

For more from Sandy, please visit:


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