The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Angela Bertoli

quote of the day wednesday

The Wellness Universe quote of the day by Angela Bertoli

Be kind, selfless, humble in your actions and the spiritual rewards are much more of a blessing than the praise we seek when we are motivated by ego with acts of kindness. Thank you for our quote of the day  Angela. For her expanded thought, please see below.

angela Bertoli WU 31

From Angela:

We all want people to know that we are a good and kindhearted person. Telling others that we have done something really nice, and didn’t expect anything back, is one way to make sure that they know this. It allows them to give us that pat on the back and tell us that we are, in fact, good.   Receiving these kudos from our peers is appreciated, especially when we have doubts about our own worth, thusly, our need to feed the ego.

When we do a random act of kindness and stay silent, we are rewarded with an even greater prize. Our souls are nourished and our vibrations are raised through a deed that is derived from pure love. This brings joy to our souls and in return, the soul satisfies the ego.


Want more from the brilliant Angela Bertoli? Visit her here >

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