The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Corey Poirier

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Corey Poirier  #mind #selfawareness #balance

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Corey Poirier

Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Corey and find more inspiration on his page. Here is his expanded thought…


In recent years, I have interviewed in excess of 3000 Enlightened Super-Achievers. One of the most common traits they all share is that they continually find new ways to feed their minds. In the days of Edison, Ford, Thoreau, Emerson, and Carnegie, it appears all had personal libraries. Today, we can feed our minds with more than books; whether that means listening to podcasts, watching TED or similar videos, reading specialized magazines, attending webinars or live events, and more.

Yet, I speak at conferences all year (working with more than 200 clients in some years) and when I talk about life-long learning, many of the attendees tell me they don’t have the time it takes to self-develop.

To me, this is quite sad.

The Super-Achievers of yesterday, and today, have this one trait in common (they have dedicated themselves to becoming life-long learners) and yet, most people tell me they can’t make the time to feed their mind even though the same Super-Achievers I mentioned are among the busiest people I have ever met and they somehow make the time.

All it truly takes is setting aside minutes a day (even 20 minutes each day of dedicated learning and personal development can compound and make a big difference in one’s long term growth).

To that end, my hope is that at some point in the future, Life-Long Learning will be, like eating, viewed as a necessary practice for one to continue living, because when we stop growing, in many ways, we do stop living!


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