The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang #WUVIP #transformation #discoveries

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather Corinne Lang


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Heather and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


Each day we have the opportunity to learn and discover something new, whether about ourselves or another person. We may learn a different viewpoint, belief or opinion. We can even learn from different nationalities or cultures. These new discoveries can be about anything including life, nature, health, wellness or spirituality. We come into contact with many situations and people allowing new discoveries every day, which we can then utilize to increase our wisdom and incorporate into our lives if we so choose.

We have the freedom of choice, and therefore, if we can choose to accept the new idea, further expanding our knowledge, and/or integrate it into our belief systems, we can transform our souls. New ideas when fully understood and integrated can help bring a deeper awareness and awakening within us to aspects we have may not encountered or realized until this moment. It may or may not be a new part of our own inner truth, but it brings about more knowledge for a deeper understanding of ourselves, others and life. This wakes up an even brighter version of ourselves for enlightenment, as we continue on our soul journey, causing the further evolution of our souls into even higher vibrational light beings living our divine soul missions. Namaste!


Visit and see more from Heather at


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