The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Conroy

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Conroy #WUVIP #purpose #truth

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Conroy


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Jacqueline and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


 All great artists and authors start their masterpieces from a need to express their deep knowing of truth. The final art and/or literary masterpiece is an experience of restructuring, insertions and deletions. Creativity is a journey of trial and error to express the truth of the deep purpose of the original vision.

I believe the creation of the great masterpieces is similar to my life journey of awareness – one of trial and error, insertion, deletions and restructuring.

We are born with a beautiful vision of the intent and purpose of our lives – a blank canvas/page to create a glorious unique life-masterpiece. As we grow up our truth is covered by the truth of others and the original creative vision can be lost. Our emotional landscape begins to develop inserts that are not ours and deletions that need to be recovered or restructured. We begin to feel the uncomfortableness of not living authentically and fulfilling our purpose. However deep within our knowing is the truth of who we are and our life’s purpose.

Awareness of and standing in our truth becomes a journey of creating our own unique life-masterpiece.  To live an authentic life and my unique purpose, I have needed to learn how to give back to others their truths and take back mine. During my sense-of-self meditation, I return the energetic energy of the truth of others to them with love. These truths are not mine and belong to them.

Listen to the deep knowing of your truth, return, with love, truth that is not yours, live your unique purpose and create your life-masterpiece.

Visit and see more from Jacqueline at

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