The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Rhonda Hendricks

The #Wellness Universe #Quote of the Day by Rhonda Hendricks #WUVIP #remember #days

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Rhonda Hendricks


Enjoy The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Rhonda and find more inspiration on her page. Here is her expanded thought…


One day…All humanity will #SHIFT from living in a state of mind identification and unconsciousness, to living from a place of “BE-ing” and pure consciousness.  If you weren\’t Aware of it already, there is a #SHIFT going on in all humanity.  When people are not “Awakened”, they predominantly live from mind identifications and really beneath their privileges and freedom allotted to them.  Those who have already “Awakened” are progressively discovering greater freedom, joy, Life, happiness, and peace, which can be described as the Kingdom of God, which is in them. These attributes are a part of our true essence and are progressively increasing in our lives when we live from a place of “BE-ing” present and conscious.  There is an increased awareness and we are discovering that each of us plays an important role in the unfolding of the Universe.  We are learning to tap in and to appropriate the Grace of the Kingdom of God, that is within us.  Luke 17:20-21 – “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, \’See here!\’ or \’See there!\’  For indeed, the kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU. “
While some are still waiting for the Kingdom of God to plop out of the sky, those who have “Awakened” realize and know the authority and grace of that kingdom is within us, and our purpose is to fully awaken, and be carriers, facilitators, and administrators of Grace and Life.  To bring and release the kingdom of God that is within us to this world!  Heaven on Earth!  We are God\’s plan!
One day…We will say, “Remember those days when we were unconscious?” and we will say: “NO!” and Laugh!   There is a #SHIFT going on!


Visit and see more from Rhonda at



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