The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Vishal Singh

quote of the day thursday

The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Vishal Singh

We all have fears. How do some of us seem to embrace them and not even shudder? Our quote of the day by Vishal Singh points us to some inspiring ideas. Expanded thought, read on…

Vishal Singh 72

“Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.” – Marilyn Ferguson, 1938 – 2008, Author, Public Speaker

There is no need to shiver and squirm in the face of fear. Fear is a child of ego. They seek our attention; to them the highest form of attention is our suffering. And ironically, the more we ignore fear, the more we reject it — the more important it feels — because we are giving them so much of our energy! It takes more muscles to frown and cry than to smile. We breathe more heavily when we are afraid. All this is telling fear that it is important and powerful and great!

Fear is the opposite of Love. And so fear is \’delighted\’ when you run away, crash and burn. It must be human nature to run away from fear because quintessentially, we are all made of Love, each and every one of us. And so more the reason that every feeling that comes from us be an extension of Love. Yes, we can Love fear too. After all, is it not what we have always learnt in life — to treat another the way you want to be treated?

So from this moment, when a fear is born, let us remember that Love is strong. And know that Love comes from us and must be expressed. When fear emerges, we may have two choices: to run away from it or to accept it. When we push away, fear will call out to us louder and louder to get our attention. Thereby magnifying its very power in our life. When we approach it, with calmness, with dignity, with Love, fear loses its mission (of trying to terrify us) and will have no choice but to quieten down.

We need not extinguish fear. Our Love and faith can transform it instead.

And yes, we may even dance with our fear until fear becomes an audience and silently watches our dance to freedom! Then fear is lost and you are found.

Thank you Vishal. Want more? Please visit 

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