Thriving: Life Beyond Rape

Thriving: Life Beyond Rape by Lyn Smith #TheWellnessUniverse #WUVIP #LifeBeyondRape

Thriving: Life Beyond Rape

Today\’s inspiring story comes to us by Lyn Smith from Leicestershire, UK

Through my teens, I experienced several sexually traumatic events that no girl or woman should ever have to go through; I was raped at the age of 15 years by a man who was someone I trusted at my local swimming club, I was a virgin and naïve enough to think that he offered me a lift home out of kindness!

That lift cost me the rest of my childhood, a potential competitive swimming career, my education, some good friendships as well as my femininity and dignity.

It left me feeling violated, ashamed, and dirty!  

I tried to pretend it never happened and for a while, it worked, then at 18, just when I was starting to trust men again, I was drugged and raped by a friend of my then-boyfriend. I remember vividly how helpless and vulnerable I felt, and then to compound it all, shortly afterward my mum left my dad. In her absence, my dad in his pain and despair molested and tried to take advantage of me. Fortunately, I was able to escape from his clutches before yet another potentially serious sexual assault took place!

I then went from having unhealthy relationships with men onto a 23-year happy, but unfulfilling marriage (in which I was confused and frigid).

It wasn’t until the age of 42, that I finally told somebody and my healing and personal development journey began. What I discovered is that we all have masculine and feminine energy and regardless of our gender (whether we are in a female or male body), we all have a natural, more dominant energy which is our gender identity, what we are, at our authentic core.

For there to be real passion and fulfillment in an intimate relationship, you need complimentary differences. This being the polarisation of the positive masculine and feminine energies present.

Living in my authentic feminine energy, I attracted a soul-fulfilling relationship which makes me feels alive, is full of passion, intimacy and gives me inner peace.

I am thriving and if I can leave you with one piece of advice it’s that you have a choice, you have a voice, you are NOT your story, love yourself, you are worthy, you are deserving, you are magnificent.

– Lyn

Are you living a Thriving Life Beyond Rape? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

If you found Lyn\’s story inspiring, please leave a comment for her below. Thank you.

Thriving: Life Beyond is a series of inspiring stories from everyday people who are thriving through a life challenge, adversity, illness or tragedy. These brave souls share their story with you to let you know thriving is possible. Submit your story to be shared here on The Wellness Universe.

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