Being a Better Community Player: 5 Game-Changing Mindset Shifts

What you put in, you get back, right?

Welcome to Part 3 of our business development series. Anna and I (Laura) are excited to talk about a subject close to our hearts today, community. If you missed Part 1 or 2, you could find them HERE and HERE.

When people sign up for these collaborative opportunities, like our Self-Care book series, panels, or events, I want them to understand that we don’t “work” for them. They have signed up to be a part of a team, a community that works together to bring about bigger results.

Anna and I were discussing this topic on a day of frustration. We truly wanted to convey the huge opportunities business owners have when they understand what it means to be a community member or team player not only in terms of their business, but also as an awesome person.

“I get it,” I replied. “When people sign up and then ride the bus, thinking everyone else is going to pull their weight for them, or everything is going to get done for them, the energy shifts and there isn’t as much opportunity for the awesomeness that can happen.”

It does take a shift in mindset from “me” to “we.” As a solopreneur, I get that you are working on your business for your success and if in the past, you did not have the opportunity to partner up or truly be part of something bigger than you, you may fail to see the great opportunity of a team.

If you understand the Law of Attraction, you’ll understand this, you don’t put the effort in with expectations of getting it back. You generously put the energy, effort, and positive passion into a community, knowing that by being and doing that, you’ll get the return. Except you may not get it back in the ways you expect.

And what if everyone did that? Whoa, can you imagine the pure force of goodness there?

A rising tide raises all boats. We have heard that. Successful folks know there are benefits you simply cannot achieve alone and collaborating presents benefits like:

  • Professional and personal relationship building
  • Creating products and services with partners through your new network
  • Acquiring inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom from playing in a new sandbox
  • Finding new referral partners
  • Create the best product more efficiently
  • Accountability
  • You become a better listener, teacher, helper, and so much more

Being an awesome team and community player in collaborative projects has to do with what you can give to that project, not what you can take away. Thing is, when you get this, you’ll barely be able to hold all you’re then given, because it’s that energy that creates the magic.

What has your mindset been around projects you’ve been a part of? What were your thoughts, intentions, and expectations going in? It’s time to check those and make a shift that will dramatically affect your results.

Here are five ways to shift your mindset for better collaborative badassery in your next project or community endeavor:

  1. Ask yourself what you are bringing to the table first. Understand your strengths and know what you can give to the project or community. Go in with this in mind first, rather than only what you can take out of it.
  2. Set an intention for what’s possible. Many individuals, together, create a much more powerful force. Don’t limit yourself in terms of old, boring expectations from past experiences. Go in with the question, what is possible here?
  3. Practice authentic interest in your fellow collaborators. Go into a project with a genuine interest to get to know people and how you can help them. Reach out and get to know people at a deeper level. Make those relationships a priority, rather than focusing only on what others can do for you.
  4. Give generously and detach from the outcome. Here’s where the energy starts to rise. No expectations of how or from who the goodness will come back to you. Give from a place of detachment and watch the magic unfold.
  5. Be a role model. Leaders help create leaders. When you step up and lead by example, you’re creating the model for others to follow. Keen awareness, great communication, asking questions, and timely action-taking are some ways to model great behavior in a collaboration.

Those who implement these tips, and who have worked within wonderful collaborations with the right community, will share about their positive experiences, and unexpected, positive outcomes. We hear from our authors all the time, and no better proof then when people come back to project after project for the same feeling and successful results.

Whatever your next project, when you’re ready to play within a community or team, practice these tools to create something bigger and juicer than you could imagine. This will not only change your business, but it will also improve your life!

Anna & Laura

Anna Pereira and Laura Di Franco work side by side to produce an Amazon best-selling series. By introducing you to tools for mind, body, and spirit, The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care series helps you to live your best life.

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The Wellness Universe is here to serve your best well-being. If you are experiencing anxiety, grief, overwhelm, guilt, anger, or seeking ways to cope and get help for stress, relationships, parenting, or any other issue during this challenging time, we have wonderful resources for you to connect with. Our WU Best Help members are offering reduced rates, sliding scale payment options, and even pro-bono sessions.
WU Best Help

The Wellness Universe invites you to SoulTreat Wellness Retreat for Mind, Body, and Spirit. Imagine yourself and your friends in the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina for self-care workshops, talks, and one-on-one experiences with wellness experts from around the globe this October.
Release what no longer serves you. Reset your mind, body, and soul. – Savings Going on Now

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