
How to Fight Inflammation

A Wealth of Women’s Health – How to Fight Inflammation

What Is Inflammation? We hear about inflammation a lot these days, and it’s good to know that inflammation isn’t necessarily bad. In fact, acute inflammation is our immune system’s natural healing response to damaged tissue or infection (toxic chemicals, viruses, bacteria). Basically, our body seeks to trap the offending agent and start healing the tissue.

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epsom salts on a bathtub

5 Natural Remedies for Pain and Inflammation

If you’ve clicked on this article, you’re probably no stranger to looking for solutions when it comes to alleviating pain and inflammation in your body. Having chronic pain is incredibly frustrating and at times can feel like nothing is helping. However, you do have options and there are things you can try that are natural

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5 Natural Remedies for Pain and Inflammation

If you’ve clicked on this article, you’re probably no stranger to looking for solutions when it comes to alleviating pain and inflammation in your body. Having chronic pain is incredibly frustrating and at times can feel like nothing is helping. However, you do have options and there are things you can try that are natural

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