The Wellness Universe Quote of The Day by Linda Gillan

quote of the day sunday

The Wellness Universe Quote of The Day by Linda Gillan

Our \’Quote of the Day\’ by Linda, actually sounds like the incarnation of The Wellness Universe. Love, trust, integrity, kindness and passion are key components here. What a lovely quote and her follow up expanded thought is just brilliant!

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Thank you, Linda, for today\’s \’Quote of the Day\’. Here is her expanded thought:

Our highest DREAMS and DESIRES begin with a single thought and it is what we do with that initial thought that determines the direction of our aim. The thought becomes an idea, which leads to a passionate wish to achieve our highest dreams and heart’s desire.

Some may act instantly on their realization, for others, a yearning sense of purpose will lie just below the surface, relentlessly trying to grab your attention and then in one moment, you just ‘know’ what to do.

We offer our highest and utmost wish to the universe and propel our dream to take flight. When every thought, word and deed is fuelled with love, kindness and integrity, the energies driving our deepest desire move into the external world and a path miraculously opens up to bring the DREAM TO REALITY.

As on any flight, we may experience some turbulence along the way and on hitting bumps on my dream’s journey ‘Hope’ was transformed to ‘Trust’ and struggle as I often have when others would prefer I changed direction, there was no going back, my dream had taken off and the only way for me to maintain a peaceful heart is to fasten my seatbelt and enjoy the ride…


~ Linda Gillan

For more form Linda Gillan, check her out F/B HEARTofLINDA-Enterprises

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