
View of stars and astrology at night

WU Featured Author: Carol Pilkington – Your Amazing Itty-Bitty Book of Astrology: 15 Key Questions People Ask About Astrology

The Wellness Universe features Carol Pilkington, a Spiritual/Astrology Counselor. As a member of The Wellness Universe, and Best-Selling Author of the book Your Amazing Itty-Bitty Book of Astrology: 15 Key Questions People Ask About Astrology, we wanted to share a bit about her work in the world. Through astrology, she works with entrepreneurs, small business

WU Featured Author: Carol Pilkington – Your Amazing Itty-Bitty Book of Astrology: 15 Key Questions People Ask About Astrology Read More »

5 Questions to Ask When Evaluating A New Therapist

Choosing a therapist is something to put a good deal of thought into as you’ll be investing a good amount of time, money, and effort with this person along your healing journey. Although there are plenty of choices in your community, it’s important to find a therapist who you feel comfortable being open and honest

5 Questions to Ask When Evaluating A New Therapist Read More »