
Understanding the Impact of Stress on Women’s Health

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has indeed become an unavoidable aspect of daily life, affecting a myriad of individuals, with women often bearing a disproportionate burden. The intricate dance of juggling career aspirations, familial duties, and personal obligations can significantly elevate stress levels among women, predisposing them to various health ramifications. By delving into the […]

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The Impact of Stress on Women’s Health and What You Can Do About It

Health and wellbeing are influenced by the ability to clear inflammation from the body quickly and regulate the nervous system to offset stress and maintain homeostasis. While both men and women are affected by inflammation and stress, women have biological cycles each month, similar to the Earth and the seasons. As human animals our biology

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Exploring the Impact of Stress on Women’s Health

Life moves pretty fast these days and with that, stress has become a universal part of our lives. Although stress impacts everyone, women face unique challenges and responsibilities that make us even more vulnerable to the harmful effects of stress. Let’s take a look at the complex relationship between stress and women’s health, explore some

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Embodied Reality: Decoding the Mystique

Welcome to Episode 2 of the new blog, “Creating an Embodied World.” The initial Episode delved into the profound meanings of “Embodiment” and “Somatics.” These ancient concepts, steeped in wisdom, offer pathways to healing, well-being, personal transformation, and global harmony. Now, in Part 2, we explore the need to cultivate “Conscious,” “Skillful,” or “Educated Embodiment.”

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The Tangled Web of Stress, Eating Disorders, and Recovery

February is a significant month in mental health awareness, designated as National Eating Disorder Month. This period helps us shed light on the complex challenges faced by individuals struggling with eating disorders and others finding their way through recovery from food addiction. As a stress management and addiction recovery coach, my work involves exploring the

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