wealth of women’s health

A Wealth of Women’s Health – Finding Light In Darkness

It’s winter in NYC, and the city is currently extra lit up with Christmas lights and Hanukkah menorahs. This concept of finding light in darkness is powerful and universal, holding meaning across cultures and contexts, but especially for women. Finding light speaks to our resilience, our capacity for hope, and the belief that even in […]

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A Wealth of Women’s Health – Taking Care of Yourself In Uncertain Times

Self-care is the practice of taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. I personally find this difficult. I tend to want to make sure everyone else is taken care of before I look at myself. I have to remember that self-care is NOT selfish! Then I remember what they always tell us in

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A Wealth of Women’s Health – 5 Reasons Why I Love Pilates (and Why You Should Try It)

About six months ago I fell on my left knee and felt a pop. My knee proceeded to swell up and was very painful, with a nice big baker’s cyst behind my knee. As an exercise professional, I know that some knee injuries will heal, so I went gently, and within a few months I

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A Wealth of Women’s Health – May Is Osteoporosis Awareness Month

May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month in the US. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle, increasing the risk of fractures, particularly in the thoracic & lumbar spine, hips, and wrists. It is the most common bone disease in the United States, affecting more than 10 million Americans.

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How to Fight Inflammation

A Wealth of Women’s Health – How to Fight Inflammation

What Is Inflammation? We hear about inflammation a lot these days, and it’s good to know that inflammation isn’t necessarily bad. In fact, acute inflammation is our immune system’s natural healing response to damaged tissue or infection (toxic chemicals, viruses, bacteria). Basically, our body seeks to trap the offending agent and start healing the tissue.

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5 Best Exercises for Bone Health

A Wealth of Women’s Health – 5 Best Exercises for Bone Health

What Is Osteoporosis? If you’re over 50 in the US, you have probably had, or are scheduled for, a DEXA scan. This non-invasive test checks your bone density – literally, the strength of your skeleton. Osteoporosis comes from Greek, meaning “porous bones.” A diagnosis of osteoporosis means that your bones are around 25% weaker, and

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