WU World Changer

How Resisting Your Emotions Limits Your Happiness

Welcome to the 26 days of Happiness series! Today is day 3! Please meet featured author, Ilene Dillon, from the soon to be released book: The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Happiness, which will be released on February 11th! YOU are an energy being! Everything in creation is energy, even though

How Resisting Your Emotions Limits Your Happiness Read More »

Dr. Dolores Fazzino\’s Stress Relief Tool

Dr. Dolores L. Fazzino, DNP, RN, Nurse Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Lifestyle and Wellness Coach, Speaker, and #1 International Best-Selling Author reads her chapter from the best-selling book, The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care- 25 Tools for Stress Relief, Chapter 25, Stress and The Highly Sensitive Person: Moving Beyond Surviving to Thriving. You don’t want

Dr. Dolores Fazzino\’s Stress Relief Tool Read More »

Messages from the Light for January 2021

Welcome to Messages from the Light for January 2021 where each month, WU World Changer Marisa Ferrera shares a channeled message of the month with you! Transitions Transitions… they are never easy. They represent change and change often brings up fear, especially fear of the unknown. And yet, transitions are part of life. You transition

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5 Popular Forms of Meditation Practices

Meditation is a practice that has been used globally over centuries to enhance the quality of life. Now, it appears to be making a comeback. Through today’s lifestyle, we’ve created nearly unattainable expectations for ourselves; we’re surrounded by stimuli and drown in information. We work long hours for weeks on end, year after year, decade

5 Popular Forms of Meditation Practices Read More »