The Wellness Universe Quote of the Day by Cheryl O\’Connor


To love yourself means having self-acceptance as you are right now. Loving yourself means having faith, trust, and a powerful belief in who you are and then taking action on it. Once you experience self-love in the form of inner…

Joy Is an Inner Sense of Freedom Wake up tomorrow morning and every day after and affirm “I AM FREE!” This kickstarts your day, so you hold onto your highest vision and live life with absolute joy. Living With Joy…

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a critical skill that plays a significant role in personal and professional success. Despite its importance, traditional views on masculinity often hinder men from developing and utilizing their emotional intelligence. In this blog post, we will…

When the unexpected happens, get fully present in your body to get creative. Respond with an improvisational approach to life and equip yourself to navigate change. Three skills of improvisational jazz living can help us be more agile, flexible, and…

In recent years, the conversation surrounding mental health has gained significant traction, yet a notable gap persists when it comes to men’s mental health. This gap is largely driven by traditional gender norms that perpetuate stigma, creating barriers that prevent…

Historically, traditional gender roles have imposed a significant emotional toll on men. Our culture has favored the archetype of the “strong, silent type,” but this preference has inadvertently created barriers to emotional expression and vulnerability for men. In many quarters…

Women encounter multifaceted challenges in the workplace, including balancing professional responsibilities with personal obligations, navigating gender biases, and striving for career advancement while contending with societal expectations. These factors can significantly affect their mental well-being. Research indicates that women are…

Improvising with Structure “We’re all a little lost and it’s alright,” sang the singer songwriter, Nightebird, Jane Marczewski, in response to her health challenge. We can feel lost when health fails, relationships end, or long-held beliefs appear untrue. Sometimes structure…

Grief is a journey that doesn't pause for the nine-to-five. It affects not only the bereaved but also those who work alongside them. In the workplace, where productivity often takes precedence, how can you create an environment that supports healing…

The Wellness Universe is offering Business Intensive Workshops where each month we partner with one of our experts to support you in your business ventures. Susan Lataille, Certified Master Grief Specialist discusses how grief support in the workplace. The Wellness…


Hello, and happy August! August is indeed a time of plenty—plenty of sunshine for flourishing crops and plenty of time and freedom to pursue our desires with a sense of childlike wonder and delight during this last hurray of summer.…

Embodied spirituality in daily life is a journey that leads to a profound sense of fulfillment. It’s about creating spirituality and spiritual practices from the building blocks of ordinary, physical life. It’s the practice of shaping a physical life that mirrors…

Embodied spirituality is a journey that invites us to weave the essence of our spirit into our daily physical experience. It’s a path that encourages us to live fully in our bodies, embracing every sensation, emotion, and breath as a…

Welcome to the seventh installment in our Spiritual Practices series! Each month, I’m introducing you to one of my favorites, and this month, I’m sharing one I was introduced to in 2018 by my wonderful friend, spiritual healer, intuitive, teacher,…

Let’s explore the foundation of what it means to have a body-centered spirituality, and find out how this approach can enhance, not only our individual lives, but a shared human experience of embodied flourishing. In this first episode of our…

Every family has a tapestry of stories, traditions, and values passed down through generations. Embedded within this tapestry is the profound influence of ancestors, shaping the way families care for one another. From cultural practices to inherited traits, the legacy…

Welcome to Life Mastery Soul Memos, Episode 47! Each month, WU World-Changer and Life Mastery Coach, David McLeod shares a new soul memo with you! Episode 47, June 2024: The Magic of Pre-Forgiveness I’ve spoken to you before about the…

Hello and happy July! Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we welcome the warm summer days with a sense of freedom and exploration. July is an excellent month to try something new, as the days are longer and perhaps a little…

Welcome to the sixth installment in our Spiritual Practices series! Each month, I’m introducing you to one of my favorites and this month, I’m airing one I discovered several years ago when I was researching for my YouTube video series,…

Welcome to Life Mastery Soul Memos, Episode 46! Each month, WU World-Changer and Life Mastery Coach, David McLeod shares a new soul memo with you! Episode 46, June 2024: Finding Clarity Taking responsibility for your life requires a capacity to…


Down syndrome is a genetic condition that impacts a person's physical and intellectual development. While much focus is often placed on children with Down syndrome, it is equally important to understand and support adults with this condition. With appropriate resources…

Spina bifida is a congenital condition that affects the spine and spinal cord, leading to various physical and neurological challenges. It can significantly impact a child's physical abilities, development, and overall quality of life. However, with the right support and…

Soft moans are heard in the darkened room. Sighs of satisfaction. Physical release. A soft smile creeps onto your lips. This is the moment you waited for. Shavasana, corpse pose, the final resting place of the old you. Of course…

Prostate health is an essential aspect of overall well-being for men, yet it often doesn't receive the attention it deserves. The prostate, a small gland located just below the bladder, plays a crucial role in male reproductive health. Despite its…

In the first two episodes of our Embodied Chair Yoga series we explored connections between embodiment and yoga, how chair yoga supports an embodied fitness regimen suitable for many populations and provided an introductory embodied chair yoga sequence. Achieving skilled…

At the risk of stating the obvious, emotions and food go together like toast and jam. Many of us don't handle this combination well, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you use food as a way of…

In the depths of our unnoticed moments, between stillness and the expanse of the breath, lies the doorway to embodiment. In our last installment in, we explored how Chair yoga emerges as a beacon of accessibility, inviting us to explore…

Aging is an inevitable part of life, and for men, it can be a time of reflection, growth, and new experiences. Growing old gracefully involves embracing the changes that come with age while maintaining a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle. Let’s explore…

Male fertility is a complex subject that hinges on various factors, including sperm count, motility, morphology, and overall health. In recent years, increasing attention has been given to understanding how lifestyle, environmental factors, and medical conditions impact male fertility. This…

The Timeless Journey of Yoga: A Prelude Yoga, carried down to us from the great civilizations of the Indus, is not mere physical culture but a system of spiritual and mental training as well as physical well-being. It is a…


Resilient relationships, like trees with deep roots, bend, and sway under the weight of conflict. They maintain their integrity and thrive during the storms of life with strength and stability. Let’s unpack three improvisational Jazz Living principles as foundational keys…

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges with inner strength. Resilient relationships have the ability to bounce, flex, and stretch during challenging times. How do we develop resilient qualities in our relationships? My wise elder friend and her…

Valentine's Day, celebrated on February 14th each year, is a day dedicated to expressing love and affection to our loved ones. It is a time when people exchange tokens of love, such as cards, gifts, and flowers. Have you ever…

Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate love and cherish your connection with your partner. While traditional gestures like chocolates and roses are lovely, going the extra mile to express your love can make this day truly special. Let’s explore…

The holiday season is upon us, and that means festive gatherings, cozy evenings by the fireplace, and of course, indulgent sips to accompany the joyous moments. While many turn to traditional cocktails to spread the cheer, there's a rising trend…

Ah, the turning of the calendar—a momentous occasion that beckons us to bid farewell to the old and embrace the promise of the new. As we stand on the cusp of a brand-new year, the anticipation builds, and with it…

The holiday season, a time of joy, festivities, and indulgence. However, for many, it also brings the stress eating. Fear not for we embark on a journey together, exploring practical tips to avoid stress eating throughout the holidays. Picture this…

Ah, the holiday season—a time adorned with twinkling lights, festive tunes, and the warmth of shared moments. But what if your celebration involves a party for one? In our bustling world, being alone for the holidays can feel like an…

Welcome to the most wonderful time of the year—or is it? While the holiday season is meant to be a time of joy and celebration, the reality often involves a whirlwind of stress, hectic schedules, and seemingly endless to-do lists.…

Hey there, holiday enthusiast! As the festive season approaches, so does the inevitable family gathering – the time of joy, laughter, and, for some, the unique challenge of dealing with a dysfunctional family. In this blog, we’ll be your trusty…


The Wellness Universe is offering Business Intensive Workshops where each month we partner with one of our experts to support you in your business ventures. Cheryl Moses, Branding Specialist discusses how to leverage online events for rapid growth. The Wellness…

As a small business owner, when you collaborate with other small businesses, everyone benefits. Some of these advantages include sharing resources, expanding customer networks, and increasing market reach. These benefits can amplify the effectiveness of businesses and better support and…

The Wellness Universe is offering Business Intensive Workshops where each month we partner with one of our experts to support you in your business ventures. Michelle Schmaderer, Brand & Marketing Strategist, Business Growth Scaling Expert, and Saas AI. Michelle will…

In the digital age, small businesses are no longer confined to traditional methods of operation. With the advent of innovative technologies, small enterprises have the opportunity to level the playing field, driving efficiency, and enhancing competitiveness. This blog delves into…

The modern workplace is undergoing a profound transformation, with the rise of remote and hybrid work models reshaping traditional notions of collaboration and team dynamics. This evolving landscape emerges as a vital strategy for fostering collaboration, enhancing productivity, and driving…

The digital age has ushered in a transformative shift in the way we work, with remote work emerging as a prominent feature of the modern professional landscape. As organizations navigate this new paradigm, building a robust remote work culture has…

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving professional landscape, the idea of a linear career path has become increasingly outdated. More and more professionals are embracing the concept of career changes, seeking opportunities for growth, fulfillment, and a renewed sense of purpose.…

Rebranding is more than just a cosmetic change; it's a strategic overhaul that can redefine a company's trajectory in the market. As businesses grow and evolve, the initial mark may not effectively communicate the company's current values, mission, or vision.…

In the dynamic landscape of business, setting clear and actionable goals is paramount to achieving sustained success. Effective goal setting not only provides direction but also serves as a roadmap to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come your way.…

The Wellness Universe is offering Business Intensive Workshops where each month we’ll partner with one of our experts to support you in your business ventures. Kathryn Yarborough is a Manifesting Clients Mentor and Vibrant Speaker Coach and the founder of…


Clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental requirement for sustaining optimal health and well-being. Regardless of whether you're at home or in the office, having access to quality drinking water is paramount for staying hydrated and maintaining overall health.…

It's that time of the year again – August is just around the corner, and you know what that means – it's National Water Quality Month! In this blog, we're going to dive into the importance of water quality, its…

Forest fires have emerged as a global concern due to their destructive impact on air quality and the subsequent health risks they pose to populations. These fires, often caused by human activities such as agriculture and deforestation, release significant amounts…

Go green as you clean and all the world, including you, wins!                                                        –…

In this article, WU World Changer Rosemary Levesque shares from personal and professional experience some reasons why toxicity may be blocking you from achieving optimal health. I was so toxic that I miscarried my first child, forgot to breathe while…

You may know that plastics in food packaging can affect our health, but did you know there is plastic in your clothes, furniture, and flooring, too? It’s one of the key pieces of info that helped me recover from my…

It’s the year again, the time to organize for the new year; a moment to take a step back and evaluate your environment to better enrich the space around you. If you’re having trouble feeling the cleaning vibes, shared below…

Go green as you clean and all the world, including you, wins! – Unknown Because of our busy lives, it’s easy for us to go with the flow and grab the colorful purposefully packaged bottle and box on the shelf…

Getting outside has numerous benefits for our physical and emotional health. It’s been proven time and time again that fresh air boosts your immune system, relieves stress, enhances creativity and even mitigates pain. Nature provides natural aromatherapy, restores focus and…

Do you feel slow and sluggish when the dark months set in? Are you struggling to stay motivated at work? Do you find yourself eating more carbs, taking naps, and convincing yourself that one more cookie is no big deal?…


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects individuals throughout their lives, including adulthood. While much focus is often placed on children with autism, it is equally important to understand and support adults on the autism spectrum. What…

What do dreams have to do with digestion?  Your sleep and your dreams reflect your state of mind. Especially your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your actions and behaviours. Ayurveda knows unmetabolized experiences or emotions…

As we look back on the history of the month of March, we realize she has always held a special significance. As winter ends and spring starts to appear on the horizon, March comes in softly with a loving embrace…

From ancient wisdom to contemporary perspectives, let's embark on a journey to understand the transformative power of love on the spiritual plane.

Change is an inevitable part of life. Whether it's starting a new job, moving to a new city, or embarking on a personal journey of self-discovery, navigating these transitions can be both exciting and challenging. During times of change, cultivating…

The integration of self-mastery and spiritual awareness is a potent combination that fuels personal transformation and growth. While self-mastery focuses on gaining control over thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, spiritual awareness provides a broader perspective and connection to a higher power.…

In the quest for a fulfilling life, the importance of cultivating healthy habits cannot be overstated. From the foods we eat to the thoughts we think, our daily routines shape our overall well-being and happiness. In this blog, we will…

Spiritual awareness is a powerful force that can significantly impact personal growth and transformation. It involves recognizing and connecting with a higher power, universal consciousness, or divine essence that transcends the material world. Spiritual awareness offers individuals a broader perspective…

As the New Year approaches, the air is filled with anticipation, hope, and the age-old tradition of setting resolutions. While the enthusiasm to embark on new journeys and make positive changes is commendable, the challenge lies in setting realistic and…

In the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment, the concept of self-mastery holds a significant place. Self-mastery refers to the process of gaining control over one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, ultimately leading to a heightened sense of self-awareness, resilience, and…

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